New Year’s resolutions don’t normally shake out the way people want them to. Why is that? In my opinion, it’s because focusing on a milestone rather than the processes that get you there only motivates you when you are easily moving toward your goal. Below are two different types of goal lists, hopefully you can see the difference.
1. Clean and Jerk 300# 1. Eat 200 g. of protein every day and workout 3x/week minimum
2.Lose eight pounds 2. Drink 100 oz. water each day and each a fruit/veggie with every meal
3.Become a jiu jitsu purple belt 3. Do 156 jiu jitsu sessions this year (average of 3/week)
See the difference? The list on the left is kind of a shot in the dark on any given day; it is not actionable. With the list on the right, I know if I am on the right track week to week, or in some cases by the hour. By focusing on the processes, I will probably achieve the list on the milestones and regardless of whether I accomplish the goals, or only part them, I will be better for having done the work. If for some reason I only focus on the milestones and still don’t achieve them, I’m left feeling like I wasted my time and effort and am completely unsuccessful.
I hope this short blog gives you some tools to feel and be successful this year. Good luck on your journey!